Friday, March 5, 2010

New Post

Because my family is harassing me that there is nothing new on my blog!  I suppose that could be because there is so much new going on around here.  We decided to put the house up for sale in February which required a lot of time and effort to clean it up and out!  It is so spacious and uncluttered in here, it almost makes me think we might be able to stay (just kidding)!

We are also trying to sell our older 5th Wheel and bought a newer (used) 5th Wheel toy hauler.  This has meant lots of phone calls and moving things around.  The larger 5th Wheel will be a better situation for us since it is likely that we'll be technically homeless for awhile after we sell this house.  

In the process of planning to build - this week alone we met with a lender, a pole building designer, and an architect.  All this and we've had sick a childcare provider (so glad our Angie is feeling better, she had it pretty bad) sick husband, sick daycare kiddos, sick grandparents and currently sick my kiddos which of course means I am fighting a bit of a bug as well.  

We managed a quick trip to Portland for a bit of fun and wonderful and much overdue visit with the Watsons.  The kids and Josh enjoyed their night out at "Walking with Dinosaurs" too.  All in all, life is great but very busy.  Hope we are all feeling better soon!

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