Our baby is TWO! And that is exactly how you say it..."I TWO!" as you hold up four fingers. We had all plans to be completely done with the binky today too but last week when we asked if you remembered what was going to happen when you turned two, you said "I pay baseball". We said "no, no more binky when you turn two" You replied pensively "no...three" Already bargaining with us little man!
When you came to join us at 12:25 am on March 18th you were 26 minutes too late for the St. Patrick's Parties. I was so happy to have avoided a trip to the hospital for your birth. I got to have the natural birth that I wanted so badly and go home with a 9 pound 5 oz baby to boot! You have provided us with plenty of challenges and made us humble as we realized that we really weren't spectacular parents. Your brother was just a really easy first child. You make us earn our titles of Mom and Dad on a daily basis.
Our family was complete with your arrival. Two kids and two parents, what could be better? Your laugh fills me up everyday! I hope you have all that your heart desires and more my little man.
Love, Mama