Here is my Knight in Shining Armour. He was so proud of his costume. Gram made it as she usually does. She and Boone plan these things together nowadays.

And just what kind of parents would we be if we didn't force our toddler into the most adorable costume ever even though he screamed the whole time? I guess we'd be Brody's parents. He had his roar down pat for weeks but I guess he just wasn't feelin' the love from this Old Navy getup. This is only pic I have of him where he is not writhing on the floor and crying. So...we tried out Boone's old Spider costume which was apparently a little more palatable. But there would be NO spider hood until he got cold outside.
You'll notice that we still have yet to break the binky habit. It is more for our own sanity than the fact that we really like constantly picking them off the floor or fumbling for them in the car or under the crib in the middle of the night. We have even given up on washing them constantly since he just likes to open his mouth and let them fall where they may if he senses an opportunity for food to replace them. Just run them through the dishwasher occasionally and call it good.
Hope you all had a Happy Halloween and I can't wait to see some of your pictures!