Day six was Josh's choice-
The Museum of Flight! He was so excited to take the boys and soak in all of the aviation goodness.
Dream, Discover, Soar!

Josh did say that we needed to come back again - translation "We need to come back without kids and spend all day so that I can read every little plaque and poster in this whole building and then go on a bi-plane ride after".

Here are all of my boys in the play area learning about yokes and rudders and yaw and whatever else those terms were.

Next we went to the
PDZA! This was a first for us. We had heard in the past that it wasn't that great but apparently they've been working hard on it. It was beautiful with a variety of things to see and it was small enough that we weren't sick of it before we made it through.

Yes, this little lady is laying on her back. She was a ham! But got very unhappy when she couldn't go back to the back area after they closed it off with a plexiglass wall. Poor girl!

Checking out the Wildebeast!
After the zoo and aquarium we went to South Center and had dinner at The Rainforest Cafe. The boys loved the atmosphere until the gorillas started going crazy. Boone was sure "the one with scary eyes" was watching him eat his mini burgers. Then back to the RV for one last round of our new favorite books,
Skippyjon Jones. It was awhile before Brody wanted to go to "fweep" even though he'd only had a 20 minute nap.