Thursday, December 11, 2008

Introducing the Ee Ee!

Maybe not the most appropriate kid song but they love to dance to it! Towards the end are Brody's version of Aunt Jessie's Donkey Kicks! Hope this kid doesn't become the next K. Fed!


Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

Oh My God that is hysterical!! I totally forgot about the donkey kicks, what's wierd is that Jakob does that same kick move! He doesn't do that bend down arm move - that is crazy and funny! Again proving our theory that Brody will be a party animal!! Love it!!
Miss you guys!

Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

Oh, P.S. we have video of Jakob dancing to Rage Against the Machine and a lot of hip hop that isn't really appropriate either - but man does it make him dance!

Heather said...

Classic. I love too how the dogs are just sitting there all calm, watching every move. :)