So after getting very angry (us), perusing the web for a Wii repair blog (me), the purchase of a very odd screwdriver that still ended up being the wrong size (us), some very steady hands (him), and the tenacity to open the Wii case, remove the DVD drive and then just go crazy and open up the DVD drive with no instructions to guide us (all Josh baby!) my very talented husband found the tiny piece of plastic that was broken off and jamming the laser reader track. Yay! For a mere $7 in tiny screwdrivers, we are back in Guitar Hero business!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Game On!
I feel like Brody has been breaking everything lately (and fibbing and tattling...) but breaking the Wii just hours after we got Guitar Hero was nearly the end of his short life. He really wanted to watch the Grinch and instead of telling someone, he just crammed it into the already occupied opening on the Wii.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
More Music
Every year the boys seem choose new Christmas Music as their favorite. Aside from all of the interesting carols Brody is making up about Spider Man and Bat Man, I've introduced them to a new album this year. John Denver and The Muppets - Christmas Together. It was one of my favorites as a kid. Of course, I listened to it on vinyl.

Brody has decided that "Hen Penny" is his favorite song (mine too)! It is really called "Christmas is Coming". Boone loves "The 12 Days of Christmas" Muppet style. The last three lines that he sings are my favorite and I am so afraid he is going to figure out what the actual lyrics are.
Boone sings - "3 Frinchins, 2 Turtle Doves, and a Postrich in a Pear Tree..."
They are so excited to put out the Reindeer food they made at daycare (glitter and oatmeal) and that it will actually go on snow this year. Boone is also very concerned that our stockings be clearly labeled as he is sure Santa is bringing coal for his little brother.
Now its time to start the sugar cookies. Drop cookies instead of shapes this year since we are getting a late start.
We hope you all have a very very Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I am tagging four of you to publish the 4th picture in the 4th file of your digital photo storage. This is a little hard to do on iPhoto since my event folders are alphabetical, not chronologically.
This one is of my hot husband's finger pointing toward the 7 Cedars Casino on a road trip to Sequim in 2002. The purpose of this photo was expressly to make Mark jealous that he wasn't going gambling with us this trip! They wouldn't have let him back in the door there anyway since he cleaned house there on his first trip (almost enough to buy a Jurassic Park III DVD at Costco)!
Edit: Somehow that is five of you but, whatever!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Um... What did we do to deserve this?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Introducing the Ee Ee!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
A New Holiday Favorite

This Warm December is a perfect new addition to our Holiday music mix. How could it not be since it is a Brushfire production, music by all of our favorites! Of course, right now I am listening to Playa's Ball by Outkast. That's good too, but its no Jack, Zack, Mark or G Love. Hope you all check it out! Can't wait for Vol. 2!
I know I am very behind on my Daily Decembers. I have the pics taken, just not posted. I'll catch up soon!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Daily December - Day 1
A new banner, new tunes, new colors and the first picture for my Daily December Album. I actually made the album ahead of time this year so that I can just add the photos as the month goes on. I'll post some pics of it later. Here is Boone taking the first present off of the Advent Calendar that Gram (I mean the elves) brought over yesterday!
I thought I'd better upload some pics of the kids before they start high school!
This one, just because he is so cute!
My guitar heroes! I can't wait for Brody to buy our first mansion! He would accept no help with this game, he kept saying "I'm doing it!"
The boys in their new hats, this one I like to call Mush Mouth!
Here is the little poser!
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