Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Should She Bow Out?
As much as it pains me, I agree with this letter to Gov. Palin. Plus, I am assuming/hoping that if she stays in the race, it must mean we are in for a party change this fall!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Band Wagon Reader
I did it! I finally jumped on the Stephanie Meyer bandwagon and I am so glad I did. I picked up the first two books at Costco yesterday. Last night after everyone went to bed, I made it 130 pages in and am LOVING it! Not sure if its the subject, the description of the scenery (since I love the Olympic Peninsula so), or what.

The weather here is perfect for reading too this weekend - Windy and overcast. This summer I had a really hard time reading anything. Not sure if it was the sun or the topics of the books I had around. But this book and this weather make for an irresistible temptation for me! Good thing we have free hockey tickets tonight or I might never leave the recliner.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Not Sure Why This Made Me Cry...
But it so did! This was done by Amy Krouse Rosenthal who wrote one of my favorite grown up books, "An Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life"
I really can't recommend it enough; but only if you have a certain sense of humor. She also has written some really cute kids books that we like too, like "Little Pea".
This event is great and I am really excited to see the end product! (I have no idea what is going on with the formatting, blogger is in a weird place tonight)
Friday, September 12, 2008
I Just Can't Help Myself...
Those of you who know what I do for a living know that I just can't let this one go...
VP nominee didn’t buckle baby
In a front-page article profiling vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin (Sept. 7, 2008, "Palin's Family Has Always Held a Place in Her Politics,") The Washington Post reported an incident in which Gov. Palin rode in a motor vehicle, holding her infant son, Trig, in her arms instead of properly restraining him in a car seat "for a short distance." When the incident was criticized by Gov. Palin’s public safety commissioner, The Post reports that she "dismissed the complaint as petty." Safe Kids USA has submitted a letter to the editor of The Post in response to this article and will let you know if and when it gets published. If you would like to read the response, go to the Resources tab on the Intranet, click on Communications, and look under Latest News.
VP nominee didn’t buckle baby
In a front-page article profiling vice presidential nominee Gov. Sarah Palin (Sept. 7, 2008, "Palin's Family Has Always Held a Place in Her Politics,") The Washington Post reported an incident in which Gov. Palin rode in a motor vehicle, holding her infant son, Trig, in her arms instead of properly restraining him in a car seat "for a short distance." When the incident was criticized by Gov. Palin’s public safety commissioner, The Post reports that she "dismissed the complaint as petty." Safe Kids USA has submitted a letter to the editor of The Post in response to this article and will let you know if and when it gets published. If you would like to read the response, go to the Resources tab on the Intranet, click on Communications, and look under Latest News.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Back to Life...Back to Reality
Back to a weeks worth of work to be done - Yuck! I am actually so glad to be done with that last post about vacation because I felt like I couldn't write about anything else until it was done.
Things like the fact that the popularity of this woman (the subject, not the authors), who could possibly be the downfall of our country, is keeping me up at night. (Nice run on, huh!)
Or the fact that Jon Stewart completely kicks ass and as Bexy says, "is the smart woman's Brad Pitt".
Prock Family Vacation Day 6
Day six was Josh's choice- The Museum of Flight! He was so excited to take the boys and soak in all of the aviation goodness. Dream, Discover, Soar!
Josh did say that we needed to come back again - translation "We need to come back without kids and spend all day so that I can read every little plaque and poster in this whole building and then go on a bi-plane ride after".
Here are all of my boys in the play area learning about yokes and rudders and yaw and whatever else those terms were.
Next we went to the PDZA! This was a first for us. We had heard in the past that it wasn't that great but apparently they've been working hard on it. It was beautiful with a variety of things to see and it was small enough that we weren't sick of it before we made it through.
Yes, this little lady is laying on her back. She was a ham! But got very unhappy when she couldn't go back to the back area after they closed it off with a plexiglass wall. Poor girl!
Checking out the Wildebeast!
After the zoo and aquarium we went to South Center and had dinner at The Rainforest Cafe. The boys loved the atmosphere until the gorillas started going crazy. Boone was sure "the one with scary eyes" was watching him eat his mini burgers. Then back to the RV for one last round of our new favorite books, Skippyjon Jones. It was awhile before Brody wanted to go to "fweep" even though he'd only had a 20 minute nap.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Prock Family Vacation Day 5
The least planned and scheduled of our days! Spent the morning at the waterfront and had lunch at Anthony's (the outside walk up window). Boone ate some of a fish taco and Brody enjoyed his "chicken" as long as we loaded it in ketchup and didn't call it fish.
Went to Bellevue Square for more shopping and temper tantrums! I ate a treat at this yummy place called Red Mango. I highly recommend it. I topped mine with Ghirardelli dark chocolate mini chips and raspberries and its supposed to be a bit healthy. Hard to go wrong with that!
Prock Family Vacation Days 3 and 4
We decided to spend an extra day in Sequim rather than just take a single day at a beach, especially since we'd had that fun afternoon at the Spit. Since Wendy planned to work that day, Josh and I took the boys and headed to Port Angeles to play. Not much playing to do since everywhere we went to explore was closed. Bought some great books at a small book store and spent some time playing at a park too. Oh, and Burgers at the 101 Diner! Sorry we didn't wait for you Joe! A yummy dinner of take our thai food from Sawadee (a close second to Papaya Thai in Portland, we are lacking for good thai food in the Tri-Cities). We stuck around long enough the next day to get a few pics of Abby before she left for her first day of Kindergarten! How is it possible?
We headed to Kent to drop the RV at the Kent KOA and off the the Space Needle we went. This was Boone's one request (that and a new pair of Sketchers) of our trip before we left on it!
Brody trying to push over the sculpture!
A challenging self portrait on the windy, swaying deck while trying to hold the kids up! We took the monorail for a ride and did a bit of shopping. Needless to say, with these two, it didn't last long but I did get a trip in to Sephora for new Philosophy products!
Back at the KOA for dinner and some fun in the little campground park. The boys (and their parents) really liked these giant board games. Boone was disappointed to learn that his mom was a clueless chess player and even more disappointed when we wouldn't let him take off with the pieces while Josh was trying to teach me!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Prock Family Vacation - Day 2
The kids had a blast playing with the animals and riding their bikes all over but Josh couldn't hold out much longer for his coveted Sunny Farms Sandwich. We all got sandwiches to go and headed down to the Dungeness Spit for a picnic on the beach. It was really nice weather and the kids did pretty well!

We ended the day with more great food and a chance to meet some friends at a BBQ at Joe and Wendy's. Wendy and I had fun cooking and we both picked up some new recipes. It was so nice to meet the people who are such an important part of their lives now. And if they are chosen by Joe and Wendy as special folks to them, it goes without saying that they were great people! Looking forward to a Lake Roosevelt trip with Anna and Bill next summer!
Prock Family Vacation - Day 1
I'm a little behind but I didn't want to waste any of Schroeder Time on the computer. We finally left Kennewick on Sunday. After we were on the road for about 3 minutes Brody said "Are we almost at Indiana Jones?" I said "No Babe, We are going to Wendy's". Josh said "Wendy and Joe's" Oh! Wendy and Joe's / Indiana Jones - sounds the same to a two year old.
We had to stop in Auburn for gas and the boys had been sleeping for awhile. Brody woke up crying "I dropped it, I dropped my ice cream." Apparently it was a bad dream and the only way to console him to was to eat lunch at Dairy Queen. Bummer!
We finally made it to Sequim just shy of 3pm and had a great time just hanging out! We went over to see the cows and then Brody went for a little ride on Sage. Boone was a little too spooked to stay on for long.
This is the amazing view from Wendy's porch! It is gorgeous - so peaceful.
We had to stop in Auburn for gas and the boys had been sleeping for awhile. Brody woke up crying "I dropped it, I dropped my ice cream." Apparently it was a bad dream and the only way to console him to was to eat lunch at Dairy Queen. Bummer!
We finally made it to Sequim just shy of 3pm and had a great time just hanging out! We went over to see the cows and then Brody went for a little ride on Sage. Boone was a little too spooked to stay on for long.

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