Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Daily December #19

This is what Boone got in the mail today.  It was accompanied by this letter...


Your stocking, and Brody's, have to hang on the wall
because you have to fireplace at all!
You see the problem is quite clear,
"How will Santa get in here?"
There is a legend (but it is true)
of magic only Santa can do?
Boone, keep your key on the tree until Christmas Eve arrives,
then place it on the door handle so I can bring your gifts inside.
My magic will make the special key fit right,
so I can come in an visit that night.
I remember last if you please,
leave more carrots for Rudolph and milk and cookies for me.


How cool is that?


Mark, Jessica, Jakob, Sarah, Lily and Kona said...

LOVE IT!! Where did you get it? I need to get one of those next year - if we don't have a fire place!!

Wendy said...

Wow, that is awesome. Was Boone so excited and blown away?