Hey check out the new banner! I think I finally got the hang of these things. Fun!
Just realized I haven't posted about the kids in awhile. Not much has been going on here but we've still managed to stay really busy. Josh is going back and forth between Yakima and Pullman for work. He usually is only gone one over night a week for right now but that is likely to change soon.
Boone is great, working on so many letter combinations. So funny when throws a random bunch of letters together and then asks "Mom, what does that spell?" It is probably more entertaining listening to me try to sound them out.
Brody is puny this weekend. Probably just a virus but I had him cultured for strep just in case. It was going around daycare this week. His speech is so delayed compared to Boone's and is actually pretty delayed for his age so I had an evaluation done last month. He barely misses the cutoff to qualify for expressive speech therapy but apparently his receptive is off the charts. That just means we have to be very careful of what we say, because he really does understand it all.
Of course he's been throwing out a lot of attempt at words since the eval. So funny. I think he can now say: duck, dog, cat, hat, thank you, yay!, all done and few new others. They all kind of sound very similar to the untrained ear though...
1 comment:
CUTE!!! The boys are getting so big and so handsome!!
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